Hi-Impact Products

Proudly celebrating manufacturing since 1992

Environmental Policy

We believe in responsible sustainable development and strive to incorporate it into all aspects of our business:

  • We design and engineer our products for optimal structural material utilization (*Patented)
  • We recapture and recycle our production waste
  • As there are many diverse opinions as to which is the most environmentally friendly material, we offer you a choice of PETG, Recycled PET, Vinyl, or Corn-based biodegradable plastic as well as reclaimed paper liners
  • We minimize the amount of packaging and waste for the end user
  • And of course, our tabs enhance your source reduction.

We put a lot of effort and resource into making our operation and products as "Green" as possible. All source material packaging and production waste is reused where possible, and when not, it is collected and sent out for recycling.

Our patented Tab design allows for the least amount of material to be used without compromising holding power. And our slug-free design means less waste for end users as during production we collect and recycle these slugs.

Throughout our production line, waste material is collected and reused in other products or recycled. We source only non-toxic and non-hazardous materials. They do not contain any heavy metals (such as lead, mercury, cadmium, or hexavalent chromium) and thus comply with the most recent package requirements for heavy metals of the Toxic Packaging Clearing House (TPCH, formerly CONEG) legislation and the latest requirements of the European Packaging Directive EU 94/62 and the California Toxics in Packaging Prevention Act. They do not contain any ozone depleting substances including those listed in the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, nor do they contain any HAP's (Hazardous air pollutants or VOC's (volatile organics.) There are no phthalates (such as DEHP, DBP, BBP, DINP, DIDP, or DnOP), phenols (BPA, Alkyl or Alkyl Phenol Ethoxylates) or adipate additives in compliance with EU, US and Global regulations.